Design for the 22nd Century.
Hi there👋 I'm Masaki, a NY-based Strategic Design Futurist.
I speculate future scenarios, socio-technical visions, and beautiful dreams through Design.
Currently, I am a Strategic Design Futurist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Visiting Associate Professor at **Tohoku University.**
💫 Design, or something that is not design.
Masaki Iwabuchi is a NY-based Strategic Design Futurist and now works as a Strategic Design Futurist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and a Visiting Associate Professor at Tohoku University. He is also leading the Speculative Futures Tokyo Initiative. His expertise is in User Experience Design, Speculative Design, Vision Design, and Artistic Intervention. He envisions future scenarios, socio-technical visions, and beautiful dreams in the organization through designed artifacts. Formerly he was a Product Design Lead at IBM Japan and had 10+ years of business and design leadership experience in the industry. He obtained his BE and MA degrees from the University of Tokyo and an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design.
Masaki’s theory and practice are presented in his first book, Social Dreaming through Design (in Japanese). Also, he has actively expressed his future-oriented design process through his PIVOT2020 paper and articles on Medium. Recent honors & awards include a judge of Good Living 2050, a jury of Davey Awards, the student runner up of Core77 Design Awards 2020 Speculative Design Award.
💫 Mission Statement
My mission is blurring existing borders and cultivating pluriversal wholeness to overcome wicked problems in individual, organizational, social, and governmental levels beyond the Cartesian belief system. I use design as a critical tool for mediating different entities and creating serendipitous products, services, organizations, and visions towards humans in the future.
📚 Publication
🎙️ Media / Interviews
Speculative Designer Masaki Iwabuchi Envisions Futures With Everyone
Interview with Speculative Artist Masaki Iwabuchi - The Art Insider
未来を見据え、組織をデザインするために ——デザイン・フューチャリスト 岩渕正樹さんに訊く・前編 | Finding | 株式会社ロフトワーク
ユーザー中心設計の”逆”をゆく。スペキュラティブデザインとその次:デザイナー・岩渕正樹さん - Workship MAGAZINE(ワークシップマガジン)
🧑⚖️ Design Award Judge
📝 Writing / Articles
Speculative Design and Designed Realities
Emerging Design Attitudes: Speculative, Transitional, and Pluriversal Design
Speculation of the Purpose of Life in 2050 from Kyoto: Case Study on Transition Design in Japan
Get in touch at ituki1059 -at-